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Nitride ceramics

SILICON Nitride (Si 3N 4)


This material offers a hitherto unattainable combination of outstanding properties:


  • Extremely high strength
  • Very high toughness
  • Excellent wear resistance
  • Very low thermal expansion
  • High thermal conductivity
  • Outstanding thermal shock resistance
  • Very good chemical resistance

The sintering process of silicon nitride has to take place by a very high mechanical pressure in a controlled atmosphere. Depending on the process the result is:

  • sintered silicon nitride (SSN)
  • gas pressure sintered silicon nitride (GPSSN) or
  • hot-pressed silicon nitride (HPSN)

In comparison reaction bonded nitride (RBSN) - starting substance Si-powder - is nitrided shrink free in a specifically set N2-atmosphere

 nitride ceramics2



It is mainly based on compounds or solid solutions of a four-component system silicon - aluminium - oxygen - nitrogen.
On account of its fracture toughness it is often used for


  • Cutting tools. Due to the low wettability through non ferrous metals, SIALON is a standard material for
  • Thermocouple protection tubes.



An irresistible material due to its extraordinary high thermal conductivity: up to 180 Wm-1 K-1. Moreover the combination of properties speak for themselves:


  • Best thermal conductivity nitride ceramics
  • High electrical insulation
  • Thermal expansion similar to Si (‹Al2O3)
  • Inert behaviour towards melting of the III-V-compounds
  • High rigidity.

ALN is especially suitable as

  • Substrate for semi-conducting components and
  • Power electronic modules.


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