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Perovskites ceramics

perovskites ceramicsThe perovskites constitute a big family of crystalline materials of formula ABO3 with:
  • A : atom charged +2
  • B : atom charged +4

The atom multiplicity can integrate sites A and B being numerous, there is a large number of materials said perovskite structure.

  • Site A: Ca2+,Ba2+,Pb2+,Sr2+
  • Site : Ti4+,Mn4+,Pt4+...

The most known perovskites like BaTiO3, CaTiO3, SrTiO3 or (PbSr)TiO3 are mainly used as dielectric for manufacturing of multi-layers condensators, thermistor, transducers, temperature sensors…

BaTiO 3CaTiO 3SrTiO 3PbTiO 3(PbSr)TiO 3 PZT
Physical properties
Density (g/cm 3)5,54,15,1212,87,55
Mechanical properties
Flexural strength (MPa)20-50---40-85
Electrical properties
Dielectric constant500-1500-3002701350-1470
Curie temperature (°C)115-140--240300

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